Vic James

Author, presenter, tv director.

About me

I am a novelist and TV documentary director. As Vic James and V.V. James I write bestselling and award-winning fiction that has been adapted for TV – always with a twist of the fantastical, in both contemporary and historical settings. Sanctuary: A Witch’s Tale (based on my Sanctuary books) was the biggest series debut ever on AMC+ streaming service, with a second season coming soon. My documentaries have screened on BBC1, BBC2, Channel 4 and internationally, and span current affairs, politics, and social and cultural history. 

A keen traveller, I spent five years living in Japan and have a special fondness for the world’s most remote islands, including Pitcairn, St Helena, the Galapagos and Easter Island. I’ve sailed by mailboat, cargo boat – and this year am crossing the South Atlantic by tall ship to South Georgia and Tristan da Cunha. I love open water swimming and would love to try for the Channel one day.

I have a BA, MA and PhD in History and English from Merton College, Oxford, specialising in the European late-medieval and early-modern period. I also love speaking at or chairing bookish events; have presented for the World Service and appeared on Radio 4’s Front Row discussing literature and the fantastic; and am an experienced magazine feature writer.

Get in touch if you’d like me to write, speak or direct for you!